Replanting Workday at Carmelita Planting Site

November 14, 2020

ALPS volunteers replanted the oak trees burned at the Carmelita Planting Site by the June 9, 2020 fire.  The volunteers replaced 17 burned Live Oak trees and planted an additional five (5) Valley Oak trees and one (1) Blue Oak tree in new locations at the site.  All of the seedlings were raised by members of the ALPS Native Tree Committee.  Seedlings are protected with gopher baskets and browse protection cages.  Mulch (wood chips) are placed around the base to deter weeds and retain moisture.    

It is great to once again see seedling oak trees growing at the site which will one day grow large and create a beautiful oak woodland.

Day after the fire - 09/10/2020


Carmelita Planting Site - burned sign


Craig and Kate - planting a live oak seedling


Meg finished planting a live oak seedling


Bruce digging the hole for a live oak seedling


John and Kelly making gopher baskets


Cory and Kelly discussing next steps


Jim planting a live oak seedling


Mike and John putting finishing touches on a new oak seedling

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