Workday at Stadium Park Oak Tree Planting Area

December 2, 2023

A dozen volunteers came out to help with weeding, mulching and trimming of the oak seedlings that are planted between the bowl and the base of Pine Mountain and just below Pinal and Escarpa Avenues at the top of the bowl.  The volunteers also replaced 17 small cages with big cages, 9 in the bowl area and 8 up by Pinal entrance  The cages keep deer from browsing on the young trees.

Thanks to the great volunteers for their help. Some day these seedlings will be great oaks!

Barbara putting the finishing touches on an oak seedling.The Pullen Family and Bruce with some happy oak seedings.

Carl hammering in the rebar to hold the cage in place.

Cory, Barbara and John staking a cage.

Jim and Deborah removing the weeds around oak seedlings.

Meg putting the browse cage around an oak seedling.

Some of the volunteers at the end of the workday - all smiles!.

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