3rd Grade Field Trips at Adobe Springs
April 9, 2024
For the 7th year, ALPS hosted local 3rd grade students on docent led field trip covering subjects pertaining to their local history education. Santa Margarita Elementary attended on April 9th with 60 students. The next day, April 10th, San Benito Road Elementary attended with 43 students.
The field trip included four different stations for the kids to experience. The station were:
- Salinan Tribe that taught the kids about their culture and how they lived many centuries before the introduction of the european population. They have lots of hands on items for the kids to see and experience.
- Estrada Adobe taught the kids about the San Miguel Mission outpost built in 1812 across the street from Adobe Springs and how it became owned by Pedro Estada. They were taken back in time so they could experience what it was like to live in that period.
- SLO Beaver Brigade taught the kids about beavers, their habitat and the benefits of beavers in our rivers and streams. In long tubs, the kids used willow sticks and mud to build their own beaver dams so the could see how the beaver dams hold back most of the water while allowing some water to continue to flow downstream!
- The Spring taught the kids about the geology that makes a spring flow and how animals and humans have used the water from this spring for thousands of years. They got to touch the cool clear water as it continously bubbles out of the ground.
A gracious thank you to the docents and volunteers that help make these field trips educational, fun and a great experience for the kids! The teachers appreciate having this very educational local field trip.
If you are interested in helping please email ALPS at: info@supportalps.org
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