Stadium Lane - Trail Crew workday

September 14, 2023

The Trail Crew performed needed cleanup at Stadium Lane and in the bowl:

- Removed the fallen oak tree branches from the Hjalmurs Trail

- Weed-eated the grass along the Marj Mackey and ALPS Trails

- Removed to broken bench seat and retaining wall that was situated along the Marj Mackey Trail that parallels the road into the bowl

- Trimmed some low hanging oak tree branches at the 2nd gate by the garden, along the Blue Oak Trail and by the Joan O'Keefe bench just inside the Pinal / Escarpa entrance

Thanks to the crew for a fun and productive day!

Phil weed-eating the ALPS Trial.

Buckthorn with berries and City Hall

Trail Crew taking a break.

Bench and retaining wall before removal.



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