Three Bridges Oak Preserve Trailhead Riparian Enhancement Project
At the Three Bridges Oak Preserve trailhead, ALPS volunteers have planted many native plants as part of a riparian planting project along Atascadero Creek. As part of the trailhead construction permit, ALPS was required to provide rehabilitation plantings at the trailhead and along Atascadero Creek.
In January 2017 ALPS volunteers planted approximately 120 live stake willows and a combination of 13 Sycamore, Elderberry, Current and Dogwood plants. About 20 percent of the willows survived.
In November 2017 ALPS volunteers planted 56 native plants inside the trailhead and along the entrance road. The plantings include: Toyon, Deer Grass, Sycamore, Valley Oak, Pink Chapparral Currant, Pink Flowered Currant, California Wild Rose, Arroyo Willow, Blue Elderberry, Creeping Snowberry, Coast Live Oak and California Buckwheat. All were planted in gopher cages with 5' of mulch around the base and deer browse protection cages.
In December 2017 ALPS initiated an "Adopt a Plant" program where interested volunteers have stepped forward to help perform weekly watering and care of 4-5 plants. If you would like to help, please email ALPS at:
Mom, Dad and Kids planting Willow stakes
Willow stake planters
Planting Willow stakes into creek bank
Planting Willow stakes along creek bank
Willow stake sprouting
Planting some willows
Planting shrubs and trees
Installing browse cages
Planting along the entrance road
New plants get a good watering!
Watering is fun!
Water Tank - Thank you Madrone Landscapes!
Preparing to install the Cocoon - Live Oak
Cocoon installed - Live Oak